Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh you irk me!

As you can probably guess from the title of this post, I have been trying and trying to fix the comment code on this blog to make it so the lines aren't bunched up. I have yet to figure out how to fix this issue but dammit I'll keep trying. If anyone has any tips or tricks, I welcome them!
I've decided to also use this blog to show some of my poetry work, or at least link back to it. I'm in the process of setting up a new deviantArt account with all my poetry from the last couple of years. Who knows, maybe I'll start writing again too! Go figure! Books, blogs, and blah poetry (I was hoping for a B word that went along with poetry). So check back on my link in the navigation bar for my work as I slowly whip it into shape!
Oh and one last thing before the actual reason for my post...I start two new classes this week so I'll be up to three classes this semester. I'm thinking that means that I'll be reading less more (I'll be wanting to avoid homework). 

Onward to books!
I'm still reading that damn Ilona Andrews book. At this point, it's not really about getting into it anymore. I'm really just trying to finish it so I can move on to another book that catches my interests. I always hate when a series I think I might like falls short of what I was expecting. That's not to say that Magic Bites is a bad book (I don't believe in bad books), I just think it's not my cup of tea. Now, a good Jeaniene Frost book? :shudder: I can't wait for the next one! Actually, I have a couple of options as to which book I'll be reading next. Here are my options:
Spider's Revenge (Elemental Assassin #5) - Jennifer Estep
Unforsaken (Banished #2) - Sophie Littlefield
Trance - Kelly Meding
Reckoning (Strange Angels #5) - Lili St. Crow
Hellbent (Chesire Red Reports #2) - Cherie Priest
Succubus Revealed (Georgina Kincaid #6) - Richelle Mead
A Touch of Frost (Mythos) - Jennifer Estep

I'm leaning heavily towards reading this list as written but it doesn't help that some of those books come out in two weeks. That's also one of the major things I love about GoodReads. It helps me track the books I've been wanting to read and how many books I've read and all that fun stuff! There's a link above on my navigation bar to my GoodReads account too so enjoy!

As I've decided is customary, I believe I'll end this wonderful little blog with a favorite quote:

"Life is an awful, ugly place not to have a best friend." - Sarah Dessen

This always makes me think of my Lilylove :) So in my head, I mesh that quote with Grey's Anatomy so that life's an awful place not to have a person! <3 

Until next time I finish Magic Bites...

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  1. books blogs and brains, youve got it all :) happy to be your person!!

  2. Aw! :D Thanks!

    Now if I could just figure out the comments on this damn thing ;)
